
Enforcement of a Separation Agreement in North Carolina

In North Carolina, a separation agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms of a couple’s separation. It is a legally binding contract that covers issues such as child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division. Once a separation agreement is signed by both parties, it becomes a legally enforceable contract. Enforcement of…

domestic violence

Domestic Violence Protective Orders – WEEKLY LEGAL NEWSLETTER, 08 SEPT.21

I hope everyone is having a great week. Here is your weekly newsletter from the Law Office of Stephen E. Robertson, your go to family law office and divorce lawyers in Greensboro, covering various legal matters and issues with which our clients are often faced. Our family law and divorce lawyers work hard to serve…


Divorce & Family Law

In the United States, divorce rates are on the rise and are affecting more than just the relationship of a married couple. It impacts couples and families emotionally and financially. In some cases, divorces are more costly than entering a marriage and can have both short-term and long-term impacts. Even finding the right family law…


Custody Mediation

In North Carolina, all parents having active custody cases are required to participate in custody mediation.  Only the parents attend. No third parties are permitted to participate. The mediation session is conducted by a mediator who is a neutral third party. The mediator is either a Court employee or a private person. The mediator receives…


Custody Mediation

Participation in custody mediation is required for all parents with a pending custody case. Attending the custody mediation program is required before their case can be heard by a Judge. The purpose of custody mediation is giving parents the opportunity to decide custody issues for their children. Parents meet with the custody mediator who controls…


Client Glossary

50B – North Carolina General Statutes §50-B-1 and the sections that follow explain that a person may seek a domestic violence order and may ask for an order ex parte; the person has a right to an immediate hearing before a judge prior to the other party being served with the complaint. After the initial…

Child Support

Child Support Payment

This is a follow up to our previous article named: North Carolina Child Support at A Glance published on June 6, 2022, especially for child support payment. After child support has been established, collection and distribution are enforceable. When a child support amount and frequency of support payments are established by Court Order, separation agreement…